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Daram, Mahmoud
Darma Laksana, I Ketut, Udayana University, Indonesia
Das, Biswarup, Assistant Teacher, Department of English, JTDH School, India
Das, Mukta, MA Student, Department of English in Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh
Davis, Kyoko I.
Defen, Zhu, South China Normal University, China
Delpazir, Maryam
Dires, Demeke Tassew, Debre Markos University (Ethiopia)
Dohal, Gassim H., Independent Researcher, Gizan (Saudi Arabia)
Dong, Tian, Professor in School of Foreign Languages, North China Electric Power University 689 Huadian Road, Baoding, Hebei, China
Du, Yuanyuan, English Department, North China Electric Power University, Baoding, China 071003
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International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies
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