A Study on the Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs and Their Writing Ability

Javad Javadi, Shahrokh Jahandar, Morteza Khodabandehlou


The current study aims to explore the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ beliefs about foreign language learning and their writing ability. An additional aim is to discover whether there is a significant effect of gender differences’ learning beliefs on their writing ability. For making sure the Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was administered. A total of 80 students were homogeneously selected based on the OPT score among upper-intermediate participants in some English language institutes in Amol, Babol, and Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran. The participants were asked to complete Horwitz’s BALLI questionnaire (1987) to sort them out in control group (negative beliefs) and experimental group (positive beliefs). A post writing ability test (a free composition) was administered at the end of the semester. The given statements and scores were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to assess the results. Furthermore Distribution of t was conducted for gender differences. The findings show a significant relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ beliefs about foreign language learning and their writing ability. Participants who have more positive and realistic beliefs about foreign language learning made excellent to very good scores in their writing ability test and the students, who have negative and unrealistic beliefs about foreign language learning mostly made fair to poor in their writing ability test. The findings also reveal that there is no significant effect of gender differences’ learning beliefs on their writing ability. There is no need for the teachers and students to be treated about the aims of the investigation.


Learners’ beliefs, Writing ability, Oxford placement test, The BALLI questionnaire

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/ijalel.v.1n.4p.161


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