My Transformative Edu-political Theories and Liberating Approach to Teaching

Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini


The practical results of even the so-called contemporary innovative pedagogical methods and approaches, which have been formulated based on Totalitarians’ theoreticians’ theories, are falling short of expectation in current complicated world’s circumstances. This is because they not only have failed to conduce to effective learning, values, skills for personal and moral development, and civilized societies, but have contributed to detrimental-to-peace peasant totaliterian rulying systems also. The present article, as such, sets out to outline this educationist’s seminal approach to emancipatory education (i.e., CTBL), that opposes with and is a panacea to established doomed-to-failure colonialist and dictatorial didactic methods and approaches. Most importantly, the article brings to the fore this educationist’s edu-political theories as the main theoretical building blocks of his revolutionary approach. Having bridged the gap between the-said theories and professional practice at class level, via the application of CTBL, the article seeks to throw into relief CTBL’s distinguishing features that make it a catalyst for transformation and change. The article also casts light on the howabouts of CTBL’s contribution to the decline of the present methods and modes of education, and corrupt regimes as well. The findings of some researchers on the effectiveness of CTBL as well as some tectonic suggestions to the stakeholders have also found a place at the end of this article. CTBL is obviously this educationist’s active and strategic reaction to the socio-political circumstances he and his innocent family members along with other marginalized/impoverished communities and nations are suffering from for decades. This educationist’s 24th resource book has also been introduced.


Colonial Education, Sheeple, Political Socio-cognitive Language Learning Theory, Multiple Input, Output, and Feedback Hypothesis, Competitive Team-based Learning, Catalyst for Transformation and Change, People, Liberating Approach to Teaching

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