Challenges in the Use of Logical Connectors for EFL Learners: Frequency, Variety, Suitability, and Improper Use with Pedagogical Implications

Tuo Xu, Feng Cui, Beili Zhang


Achieving effective and efficient writing requires grammar by using the right words and phrases and categorically achieving coherence and continuity in paragraphs. It, therefore, presents a challenge for EFL learners to learn the language in a position where a very limited function is served. The use of connectors, as found empirically in English studies, has been an unresolved issue faced by students writing in English as a foreign language. Henceforth, this research paper aims to investigate the existence of logical connectors that have been a primary obstacle to learners learning the ability to write in an EFL context. The paper explores the frequency, variety, suitability, and improper use of these connectors, as well as the affective factors that contribute to their misuse or overuse. Furthermore, the article provides pedagogical implications for writing instruction, including the use of genre-based approaches, semantic and syntactic recognition, and natural semantic metalanguage (NSM). The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by EFL learners in mastering the use of logical connectors in written English and offers practical guidance for teachers seeking to improve their students’ writing skills.


Logical Connectors, Efl Writing, English Language Teaching

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