Academic English Program Evaluation of the Foundation Year at Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic College: Trainees and EFL Instructors’ Perceptions

Waleed Mahmoud Hamdoun


The main reason of conducting this study is grounded on my rational to provide further guidance to curriculum staff in my professional context, College of Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic (SPSP), to develop the current English program taught to vocational trainees to prepare them to their future jobs at petroleum services industry in Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, the graduates’ spoken language is inadequate at their worksites and therefore their employers are relatively dissatisfied with the language quality of their manpower. Accordingly, I have decided to explore the speaking skill aspects in the existing English curriculum to value its effectiveness in improving and helping the academic staff to produce fluent speakers of English at oil industry workplaces. Based on my study findings, I have found that it is relatively difficult to assign a language course book which meets all the needs of trainees at vocational training institutions because their working environment needs specific learning objectives for learning job-related language. In my research and professional experience, as a researcher in language curriculum development as well as being a language instructor at a vocational training college, I can conclude that the solution to solve language learning and its implication at workplace is to develop EAP/ESP language program based on specific instructional objectives driven from the actual needs assessment at the target workplaces and their intended learning outcomes could be aligned with both learning and teaching activities and assessment tasks using the constructive alignment principles as the constructive alignment framework could be effective in structuring and designing aligned curriculum to meet the intended goals of these contexts, especially vocational training centers and higher education institutions.


Curriculum Development, Program Evaluation, Constructive Alignment, Systems Approach

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