The Place of Forensic Linguistics in the Resolution of Trademark Conflicts: Case of DOUBLEMINT & DOUBIEMLNT

Patrick Sadi-Makangila, Yesdauletova Sabira


Forensic linguistics focusing on word choice and spelling, it can be useful while resolving language crime, trademark infringement, and so forth. In our days, trademarks are one of the most infringed intellectual properties in the world in terms of values. Trademark could be a single word, a combination of words and symbols, design, or logo that distinguishes a company or products from others in the industry. When someone acquires a registered trademark, he is granted an exclusive right to its usage and it strongly prohibits other organizations from using it. This paper shows the way an expert in Forensic Linguistics should use his skill and knowledge to handle the conflict among similar trademarks. From brand name (how it is written, upper-cases or lower-cases, how many letters make this brand name, how it sounds, how it looks like, and so forth) to logo (design, usage of colors, sharp and so forth). The expert in Forensic Linguistics will try to find out scientific evidence that may help judges in decision-making. The present study scrutinized the place of forensic linguistics in the resolution of trademark conflicts, the scientific techniques, and methodologies utilized to analyze the similarities and differences between the trademarks in conflict. This research showed the importance of associating an expert in Forensic Linguistics in the Community Trademark conflicts in order to come up with a conclusion based on scientific evidence; the place of forensic linguistics and other related disciplines in revolving the issues of trademark infringement.


DOUBLEMINT, DOUBIEMLNT, Community trademark, Brand name

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