Recognition and Actualization of Cohesive Actors in English Arabic Translation

A.J. Hassan


This work assumes that the in cohesiveness of some Arabic translations of typical English texts is the outcome of the mismanagement of four interrelated actors at the sentential and textual levels. These are text structure, connectivity, word choice and reordering. It proposes a composite approach showing the need to observe, acknowledge and/or realize the achievement of two or more of these actors at least. To prove that, a number of various and different translators (15) were given a typical English text to translate into Arabic. It has been shown throughout the analysis that most of them ignore or unknowingly select one or more irrelevant factors and the result is incohesive translated text. This work helps student to observe most if not all instrumental aspects of text cohesion in Arabic text .


Disconnect, Cohesiveness, Word Choice, Intervening Gap, Reordering, Connectivity, Text Structure, Word Choice, Composite Approach, Generalization, Evaluation and Exemplification

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