An Overall Study of Formulaic Expressions

Shatha Haleem Alwhan


Defining formulaic expressions is rather controversial and problematic because it encompasses a variety of theories and approaches such as idioms, collocation, proverbs, sayings, etc. For this reason, this paper presents a brief survey of the contrasting perspectives. It starts with earlier views of formulas focusing on the identification and definition of such phenomena and ends with a working definition for this research as an attempt to analyse this distinctive phenomenon. The aims of the present study are: first, finding an operational definition to the formulaic expressions. Second, establishing a historical overview of formulaic expressions. Finding out the differences between formulaic expressions and other types of formulas. The study hypothesizes the following: first, the formulaic expressions are collocated words formed by speakers for easiness. Second, formulaic expressions have an ancient history. Third, many differences are indicated between formulaic expressions and other formulas.


Corpus, Formulaic Expressions, Applied Linguistics

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