The Influence of Emotional Intelligence Enhancement on the Development of EFL Learners’ Listening Skill

Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi, Hooshang Khoshsima, Esmail Zare-Behtash


English language as one of the most important international scientific languages used in Iran (and many other countries) is of crucial importance and a great amount of time and expenses are being invested on learning and teaching it. Increasing the speed of learning this language is certainly an urgent need, as many common people and academicians spend a lot of time on learning it, sometimes without a major breakthrough. Thus, the effect of increasing Emotional Intelligence on Listening Skill was examined in this study in an empirical way. An “Interchange Placement Test” was given to university students who studied English as a Foreign Language (EFL learners) in Iran. Subjects were Intermediate level students who also took an IELTS test, so that the researchers could more exactly evaluate their proficiency in listening skill at the beginning of the project. Next, the Emotional Intelligence of them was evaluated and consequently Emotional Intelligence (EQ/I) was taught. After a one educational-year course of concurrently teaching EI and listening skill, the same IELTS along with the EQ test was administered in treatment and control group. To observe the development in each category, the difference in scores of both EQ and IELTS test (pre-test and post-test) were statistically calculated. Ultimately, it was found that both EI and listening skill of the learners in treatment group were developed in a significant way whereas no significant change was detected in control group who did not receive any instructions on EI. The findings of the study can contribute in the promotion of the knowledge on the effect of emotional intelligence in language learning and also syllabus design.


EFL Learner, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence Enhancement, Emotional Quotient, Listening Skill

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