Empirical Analysis of Intonation Activities in EFL Student’s Books
Intonation instruction has repeatedly proved a challenge for EFL teachers, who avoid getting involved in intonation teaching more than their EFL textbooks demand from them. Since a great number of teachers rely on EFL textbooks when implementing intonation practice, the intonation activities in EFL materials are often central to their classroom. Even though the research on intonation instruction has been well-documented, few papers have explored intonation activities in EFL materials. The present study thus provides an empirical analysis of intonation activities in five EFL student’s books series by exploring the overall coverage of intonation activities across the series and the quality of these activities. The results reveal that intonation activities are underrepresented in the EFL student’s books, and that discourse intonation deserves more attention in the activities. Considerations for EFL teachers and publishers are also discussed.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.7n.3p.181
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