The Comparative Effect of Student Team-Achievement Division and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition on EFL Learners’ Speaking Complexity
The effectiveness of complexity acquisition to enhance intermediate learners’ speaking complexity, is particularly the focus of the present study. The participants of the present study, were 60 female EFL learners, who were selected from a larger population of 90 EFL learners based on their performane on a sample piloted PET test in Zabansara Language Institution. The total of 60 participants were divided into two experimental groups of 30. The experimental group of STAD (Student Team-Achievement Division), and the experimental group of CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition), which were both regarded as cooperative methods. The 10-session treatment, included focusing on complexities using STAD cooperative method instruction in one experimental group, and CIRC in the other. A post-test was administered to both groups at the end of the treatment,after applying the mentioned cooperative methods. The statistical analyses were conducted, and the gained results of the study indicated that CIRC had a significant influence on learners’ complexity learning. It concluded the importance of applying appropriate complexities in EFL context to developing speech naturalness.
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