Orwell's Satirical View of Romantic Love in the Terrorized World of Nineteen Eighty-Four

Mohammad Hossein Besharati, Golnar Mazdayasna, Sayed Mohammad Anoosheh


The beginning of twentieth century was accompanied with the prevailing current of technology in different aspects of human life. At first, it incited a positive stimulus which could build a utopian world on the advancement of technology. However, the bloody World Wars averted this view and the technological utopia was replaced by Orwellian dystopia. Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four is a satirical work which moves against Wells' utopian toward the reflection of a distorted technological society. Undoubtedly, satire is the best literary mode for dystopic depiction of the world specifically the one portrayed in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Winston Smith, the central character of this novel, is lower from his society in terms of intelligence and power of action. Therefore, he is put under rigid controls and brainwashing. And at last, he awfully rejects his love in favor the principles of the Party. Thus, in this study, we try to investigate Winston's romantic life in a satiric manner with respect to Northrop Frye's theme of romance which includes the three phase of agon, pathos and anagnorisis.



George Orwell, Satire, Romance, Dystopia, Northrop Frye

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Frye, Northrop (1957), Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Frye, Northrop (1970), The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

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Lee, Robert A (1969), Orwell's Fiction, Indiana: University of Norte Dame Press.

Lewis, Wnydham (1952), The Writer and the Absolute, London: Methuen and Company Ltd.

Orwell, George (1970), Nineteen Eighty-Four, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.

Meyers, Jeffrey (1975), A Reader's Guide to George Orwell, London: Thames and Hudson.

Schmerl, Rudolf B (1962), "The Two Future Worlds of Aldous Huxley", PMLA, Vol. LXXVII, No. 3.

Walsh, Chad (1962), From Utopia to Nightmare, New York: Harper and Row Publishers.

Williams, Raymond (1971), Orwell, London: Fontana/Collins.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.6p.78


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