Exploring Teachers' Role Identity among Iranian EFL Teachers: A Narrative-based Research
The aim of this study was to explore the concept of role identity among Iranian English language teachers. Narrative inquiry was adopted as an approach of the study. Twenty-one Iranian English language teachers from three educational contexts (university, school, and institute) were interviewed and provided their written narratives. Then, the collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis and credibility and trustworthiness of the data were ensured through data triangulation and coding agreement. Results of the study revealed that Iranian EFL teachers conceptualized their role identity from multi-dimensional perspectives, including managerial, professional, and socio-cultural perspectives. The findings also showed that thirteen sub- role identities were explored and emerged under three main themes of role identity for Iranian EFL teachers. The three main themes included teachers’ role identity as manager, professional, and acculturator and the thirteen sub-role identities consisted of ‘knowledge transmitter, trader, juggler, interaction supervisor, promoter, arbiter, entertainer, pundit, collaborator, learner, social panacea, cultural adapter, and tutelage-provider’. The results of the current study can be useful for policy makers, teacher educators, and evaluators to have a better judgment and make appropriate decisions about teachers. Finally, the limitation of the study along with suggestion for the further research were also discussed.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.4p.11
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