Supervisory Feedback Efficiency: Developing a Framework Based on Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Supervisors’ Perceptions
Believing that providing EFL teachers with effective supervisory feedback during the post-observation conference is essential, researchers in the current study report on the views of Iranian EFL teachers and supervisors as to what constitutes effective supervisory feedback. Having conducted a qualitative content analysis of the data obtained from interviews with teachers and supervisors, researchers came up with a framework of the constituent elements of effective supervisory feedback, which includes 1) adopting a more creative approach 2) using above-the-utterance mitigation 3) gauging the teachers’ ZPD 4) being socioculturally sensitive 5) assessing the teachers’ beliefs and attitudes and 6) developing public relations. The results showed the teachers’ overall dissatisfaction with the present supervisory feedback. The paper concludes by suggestions to include supervisory training courses in the existing teacher development programs to better empower supervisors in their dealing with EFL supervisees throughout the country.
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