The Dichotomy in between Ecocentrism & Anthropocentrism: An Ecocritical Rendering of Two Indian English Poets
One of the plebeian environmental moral dilemmas that are noticed in third world nations are the dialectical assimilation in between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. Owing to some devout and semipolitical prejudices some people are taking the whip hand over nature snubbing the nature, flora and fauna. But concurrently some of the great unwashed gestate in nature centered ecological system and yielding values to all non-human entities unheeding of their usefulness to human civilization. In the third world Asian countries this situation is even more abominable and eminent eco-socialists assay to exhibit this delineated envision in various ways for it becomes necessitate for them. While it is in the case of literary eminent some Indian English poets conjure up their apotheosis and cerebration through their penned composition. Poets from Indiaon one hand depict the anthropocentric attitude of their native people and simultaneously they assume ecocentric attitude. Exalted bookmen like Keki N.Daruwalla and Shiv K.Kumar evince the world with its acculturation, sights and sounds, predilection, disillusionment, bewilderment and discombobulation ensuing from modern way of living and mentation. So from this vantage point their eco-poems arbitrate in between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. A construe brooding of some of their oeuvre excogitate light on environmental awareness along with the enactment of human and non-human relation which is often laissez faire and patriarchal. Concurrently their perdurable compositions splay socio-ecologic discourse through which readers can ensnarl with the demography, urbanization, modernization and development of environmental activism. Their abiding oeuvre works like a mirror where the congenial understanding between man and nature along with the scope of verdict is contrived. Working within the peripheries of environmentalism their aeonian verse paves a way through which a solution within this third world environmentalism can be made possible.
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