Integrating Russian Methods of Teaching Literature into the World Science and Practice
The paper is aimed at solving one of the strategical tasks stated in the Russian literature teaching methods that is associated with its coming into the world science and practice – presentation and dissemination of the Russian experience in the sphere of literary development of school aged readers. The authors are historiographs and proceeding from the results of their research they first suggest considering the possible prospects of completing the task. The first prospect is associated with presentation of the conceptual model of today's Russian methodical system of literary development of schoolchildren in the world science; the second one – with dissemination of the Russian assessment criteria for variative models of the methodical system of literary development of schoolchildren in the world practice. The content of each prospect includes definition of keywords and the technique for implementation of the former. The prospects of presentation and dissemination of the Russian experience in the sphere of literary development of school aged readers that are suggested for implementation can make a considerable contribution to the world experience enriching it with grounded alternative scientific approaches to the assessment of modern condition of literary education in the foreign countries. The authors highlight creation of additional preconditions required for interaction in the area of development of methodology of the comparative science about the reader as one of the important parameter of the successful performance in bringing the prospects into life.
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