Russian Language in the Intercultural Communication Space: Modern Problem Paradigm
A special role belongs to cross-cultural communication in the modern world. An attempt to limit the problem of the Russian language in Russia just with linguistic aspects, and only to culturological and political ones in the post-Soviet Union space is deeply wrong because of the whole complex of factors, relevant to the current state of the language, including both its fundamental character for the Russian culture preservation and transference and its enduring role in preservation of Russia’s and neighbouring states’ information and national security. A problem of the link between generations is especially topical for Russia, as the Russian society and nation are disoriented in language as a field of meanings and styles, in axiological and ethical coordinates of the world picture. Detailed investigation of the factors affecting the development of the Russian language in the cross-cultural communication space is becoming strategically important in the aspect of ensuring national security of Russia and its national unity.
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