Task-based Instruction and Vocabulary Learning: A Comparative Study of Jigsaw and Information Gap Tasks on Vocabulary Learning
This study investigated Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ vocabulary learning within the paradigm of Task Based Language Teaching through instructing jigsaw and information-gap tasks. To this end, 60 intermediate EFL learners were selected. They were all female and their age range was between 16-17 years old. Then the experimental groups in which one group with the use of jigsaw and one with information-gap received task based instruction for one session each week for five weeks, while the control group experienced the same amount of instruction as ordinary classes. At the end of the study, all subjects were assigned a 50-item multiple choice vocabulary test. A one-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that TBI had a significant effect (p=.000< .05) on promoting vocabulary knowledge of Iranian intermediate EFL learners; there existed a significant difference between the experimental groups’ performances in the assigned tests, as well. The main pedagogical implication of this study is for teachers in that by involving learners in task completion and enjoying the process, learners can improve their vocabulary knowledge and accordingly their language proficiency.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.5n.5p.228
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