The Relationship between Writing Self-efficacy and Writing Performance of Iranian EFL Students
A strong sense of self-confidence in the writing task is referred to as writing self-efficacy. There is a discrepancy between the scholars’ views regarding the relationship between writing self-efficacy and writing performance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate if there is any significant relationship between the students' writing self-efficacy and their writing performance. Also, there was an attempt to see if there is a gender difference in the students' writing self-efficacy and their writing performance. 59 medical students (28 males and 31 females) from medical university students were selected through convenient sampling. The instruments used in this study were Writing Self-efficacy Questionnaire and students’ writing compositions. To analyse the data for both objectives, Pearson product-moment correlation was used. The results of this study showed that there was not any significant relationship between the students’ writing self-efficacy and their writing performance. It was also found out that there was not any significant relationship between our male and female participants’ self-efficacy and their writing performance.
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