Evaluating the Effect of Metacognitive Strategy Training on Reading Comprehension of Female Students at KAU
Successful reading requires the application of different reading strategies. Reading strategies related to metacognition, which is “thinking about thinking”, have been investigated extensively and have proven to be effective in improving reading comprehension in EFL and ESL contexts. This study aimed to explore the level of metacognitive awareness of EFL learners at King Abdulaziz University (KAU). Additionally, it aimed to examine how metacognitive strategy training can raise learners’ metacognitive strategy awareness and as a result enhance their reading comprehension. Two instruments were used to find answers to these questions: the MARSI survey, which was used to measure the participants’ metacognitive awareness; and reading comprehension tests, which were used to examine their comprehension level. Both instruments were used on two occasions: once before the training sessions and once after them. The training sessions focused on three metacognitive reading strategies: planning, monitoring and evaluating. The results indicated that systematic and direct instruction had a positive effect in improving the participants’ metacognitive reading strategy awareness as well as their reading comprehension, even when they had a moderate level of metacognitive awareness prior to the training sessions. The findings of the study are significant in guiding EFL instructors at KAU as well as other tertiary institutors in similar contexts to assist learners in improving their reading comprehension.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.5n.3p.172
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