Interactive Tutoring in Blended Studies: Hindrances and Solutions

Asim Ismail Ilyas (Al-Titinchy)


This paper distinguishes between traditional teaching known as lecturing (the teacher centered approach); and tutoring (the contemporary technology-oriented interactive teaching/learning approach). It is based on the implementation of tutoring strategies of ‘blended studies’  at the Arab Open University. It investigates the application of modern interactive teaching/learning strategies, specifying some hindering factors in the AOU-Jordan Branch context. The factors include four variables: tutors, students, course material and assessment. The paper is based on qualitative research in terms of a real teaching/leaning context, using both observation and conversation with learners, besides the use of some quantitative data retrieved from a questionnaire in which learners’ views are sought regarding a number of relevant matters. A number of suggested solutions related to each of the hindering factors are presented, which if applied, may secure shifting the balance of the teaching/learning process to a more interactive technology-based tutoring level, which in turn will enhance learners’ opportunities for the attainment of better academic standards, and secure a higher degree of achievement of the shared educational goals of learners and the educational institution they study in.                                                                                                                                                      



Blended studies, interactional teaching, lecturing, tutoring, course material, English language skills

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