Analyzing Recent Research in Computer Mediated Corrective Feedback from the Period 2008-2014

Atef Odeh AbuSa’aleek


There are different innovations in computer-mediated corrective feedback (henceforth CMCF), which help in offering corrective feedback to the students and proved to have an effect on learners’ linguistics outcomes. This study aims to present comprehensive representation of what has been investigated in the area of CMCF. In addition, it aims to analyze the effectiveness of recent CMCF research regard to adopting different research designs, different technologies, settings & types of feedback, different participants’ characteristics and different language and skill taught. The corpus of analysis consist 23 articles were collected from six well-known journals in the field of CALL from 2008 to 2014. The findings indicate that CMCF proved its effectiveness regardless adopting the above-mentioned variables.


Meta-analysis, computer-mediated communication, Effectiveness of corrective feedback

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