Personal Problems and English Teachers: Are They Always Bad?
Personal problems involve things that are difficult to deal with, felt or experienced by certain people; in this particular study, Malaysian English language teachers. The relationship between personal problems and teaching reflection practice is researched quantitatively as there is a significant concern in the current education system that English language teachers are not doing well in educating the current generation, hence the professional developments needed to be carried out (Masilamani, et al., 2011; Schleicher, 2011; Schleicher, 2011). Based on the authors’ readings, there has yet been any research regarding this matter done in the Malaysian context. Hence, different types of personal problems have been identified via a validated questionnaire specifically made for this purpose. 45 English language teachers participated in this action research; all of whom are currently teaching in the same district in southern Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Although the results showed that personal problems affected teaching reflection practice negatively, it is hoped that future research will look into how teachers can utilize their problems as personal intrinsic motivators to obtain positive reinforcements and achieve success in their careers.
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