Students’ Attitudes Towards Literature Use and
Although language teachers are aware of the benefits of using literature in language classrooms in theory, they do not use it “consciously” practically. For this reason, the purpose of the present paper is to “re-highlight” the use of literature in language classrooms and make teachers use it “consciously” in classes. Wherefore, this study was conducted in 2010-2011 education year, at a private language school in Turkey by the participation of 14 students having A2 level English proficiency. Data collection of the study was twofold as descriptive and experimental. The descriptive part was made of an attitude questionnaire towards the use of literature, namely theatrical plays, in language classrooms. The experimental part was conducted in ten-week period. There were two groups as one experimental group which had equal students. While the students of the control group had the lessons of the traditional curriculum of the private language school, the students of the experimental group had the literature, specially theatrical plays, integrated lessons together with the traditional curriculum of the private language school. A vocabulary test was applied to both groups to figure out the vocabulary learning levels of the students. The findings of the attitude questionnaires and vocabulary tests were analyzed by SPSS programme. It was found that there were positive attitudes towards literature integrated lessons and that the use of literature affected students’ vocabulary levels. The findings of the present study may be useful for language teachers, text book writers, syllabus designers and language learners.
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