An Alternative Source of Development for Local Governments: Local Literacy

Bulent Guven


Local literacy could be defined as a process of gaining skills for the recognition of local assets, historical sites, places and literary works, which are important for countries in a national and spiritual sense (historical, cultural, touristic, economic, etc.) in the areas where citizens live, being aware of the basic characteristics of the local habitat, and when necessary, reporting the gained knowledge and skills to other people through presentations appropriately prepared (Güven, 2019). This conceptual article discusses opinions and suggestions about the introduction of local literacy skills, which are considered very necessary and profitable for local governments, education and training institutions. It also discusses the contributions provided with the gain of local literacy skills to local governments. The article presents ways in which students can be supported to learn about and adopt the material and spiritual items with a certain value, the individuals and institutions that provide community benefits, sites, natural resources, and the richness around them. Local governments are also provided with some considerations and suggestions about local literacy, which is considered necessary for local governments, and their contributions to local governments as an incentive to invest.


Local Literacy, Local Government, Literacy Skill

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