International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies (IJCLTS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published by Australian International Academic Centre PTY. LTD. The journal invites contributions representing innovative and critical views on the theory and practice of the study of comparative literature and translation studies in all its aspects, including but not limited to: theory and history of comparative literature; comparative studies of genres, themes and periods; reception studies; intertexuality and transmediality; and the theory, history and practice of translation studies. The four annual issues contain sections with open submission academic articles in the field of comparative literature and translation studies; book reviews; and interviews with internationally known scholars and critics such as Alan Maley, Margaret Rogers, and David Dabydeen.
Since January 2017, the editorial board of the journal has decided to accept translations of literary texts; creative writing of fiction, nonfiction and poetry; and video essays – video submissions are welcome from all fields within the focus of the journal. Submission of research papers, reviews, interviews, translations of literary texts, creative works or video essays implies that the work described has not been published previously and that its publication is approved by all authors. By submitting an article or video to IJCLTS, the authors acknowledge that the article or video is original and entirely the result of their work.
IJCLTS Highlights
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