Black Travesty

Angela Khristin Brown


Quincy Troupe is a visionary poet who is always reaching out to walk and dance words upon a single page. Quincy uses his imagination through dialog with certain looks of rhythm of words which bounce off the page of unforgotton sound. Quincy prances accross word that burst from childhood dreams that make you smile. Perhaps there is an explanation to why he creates hope to the deturbed voices in our head. It is through language that he decodes similes, metaphores and apostrophes out of clarity that trace our roots to our dark past which is from the eye of the beholder. Quincy's words bounce back at us with words of wisdom from the voice that humms in our head. Quincy maps his experience into beautiful shcemes of imprisoned thought. Quincy has mirrored a managerie of space on a blank page using pain and agony to slowly develop an illusion for movement. Quincy's sentex is the blues in space that echoes in the air in spoken tongues. It is from dreams we pulsate life through shared idioms of time. When we can identify in how sorrow has touched our lives, we believe in fear itself will keep us alive. Fear is an invisible ploom we live through rituals from desire. It is from this madness we imagine love is far deeper than fear itself. 

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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