The Utilization of Animation in the Theory of Procedure Text Writing for Vi-Grade SD Methodist-2 Medan Students

Yuniarti Maya, Erikson Saragih


This study was motivated by the lack of animation utilization by VI-grade teachers in teaching the theory of procedure text writing. Students are not motivated by the absence of animated media. Therefore, the animation is needed in learning the theory of procedure text writing. This study was included in research and development type and two cycle’s classroom action research. This study was carried out in SD Methodist 2 Medan from July 2020 to August 2020. In small group testing, the subjects were 10 random VI-grade from VI A, VI B, VI C, VI D, and VI E. In large group testing, the subjects were 20 random VI-grade students from VI A, VI B, VI C, VI D, and VI E. In classroom action research, the subjects were 29 VI E students. Several tests on material feasibility, media feasibility, and student responses were carried out. The results showed 89.32% (very feasible) which means animated video as the learning media was very effective for the learning process. After very feasible category was obtained in large group testing, then product dissemination in classroom action research was carried out. Based on the results, in Cycle I, 13 students (44.82%) met the passing grade, while 16 students (55.18%) failed. The average grade was 70.52 while the passing grade was 76, then Cycle II was needed. In Cycle II, 25 students (86.20%) met the passing grade, while 4 students (13.80%) failed. The average grade was 85.69. This means animated video as learning media innovation had a significant influence in learning the theory of procedure text writing on Indonesian language subject. In accordance with these results, as a learning medium, the findings in this study reveal that animated videos are able to develop effective learning patterns in the classroom.


Innovation, Learning Media, Animation, Students, Video, School

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