One Text, Multi-Tasks Meeting the Mixed-Ability Challenge

Dulip Singh a/l Ranjet Singh


It is a fact that each individual is unique. This uniqueness can be physical, emotional, intellectual and/or spiritual. It follows then that in any given learning environment each learner has unique abilities and needs. Consequently, classrooms everywhere, even if they are streamed, are of a mixed-ability nature. Having recognised this factor in learning, the KSSR (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah) emphasises learner-centredness. It is a daunting responsibility for a beginning English Language (EL) teacher faced with the task to cater to these varied learning abilities. The ELT (English Language Teaching) fraternity recognises this learning ability and has categorised learners as HEP (High English Proficiency), SEP (Some English Proficiency) and LEP (Low English Proficiency) learners. This ‘One text, multi tasking’ technique of materials development could help a beginning or even a dedicated EL teacher deal with these individual learning styles while fulfilling many components of the Malaysian pedagogy standards for ELT.

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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