Development of Secondary School Students’ Generic Structure Execution in Personal Experience Recount Writing Texts through SFL Genre-based Approach

Pajonsak Mingsakoon, Udomkrit Srinon


This paper is a partial fulfillment of the dissertation undertaken with the case study of teaching writing recounts for the EFL Thai upper secondary school students with SFL genre-based approach at Hunkhapittayakom Secondary School, Hunkha District, Chainat Province, Thailand, the second semester of the academic year 2015. This study focused on the analysis of students’ generic structure development of recount writing texts through SFL perspective. Teaching of personal experience recount genre using the teaching-learning cycle of the SFL genre-based approach was employed to 26 Mattayom Suksa five students. The analysis of the students’ pretest writing texts showed that they could not control the structures of their texts in that these writing texts were non-conformed to the stages of recount writing, and the themes were sidetracked from the topic. However, when these students were exposed writing with the SFL genre-based approach, the analysis demonstrated that their personal experience recounts were positively developed with a higher degree of generic structure construction in terms of conformity when compared to the modeling texts of the literature review and the pretest texts at the commencement of the course. It was observable that all students could expand communicative details and dialogic expansion in their final personal experience recount texts from such the orientation stage, the series of the events and the re-orientation stage with some CODA, argumentative elaboration. This is argued that SFL genre-based approach helps promote the students’ understanding and writing ability about the meaning, purpose and organization of the personal experience recount texts insofar that they could independently execute the similar texts themselves in a more degree. The study suggested that the SFL genre-based approach should be promoted continuously to develop writing skill of secondary school students in all levels of education related or in other similar contexts.


Secondary School Students, Generic Structure, Personal Experience Recount, Modeling Text, Text Construction, Conformity, SFL Genre-based Approach Dialogic Expansion, CODA

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