Examination of the Relationship between the Usage Frequency of Listening/Viewing Strategies of Middle School Students and their Listening Anxiety

Berna Karahan


Listening is one of the fundamental skills of language, and it is a skill that individuals will need throughout their lives, both in their educational years and in their social lives. From this point of view, the acquired skills for listening should be carefully examined. Because a problem to be experienced during the skill acquisition process can trigger anxiety. Increasing the frequency of use of listening/viewing strategies in order to reduce anxiety will have positive results. The proper acquisition and development of this skill, which has such an impact on a life of an individual, is an issue that needs to be emphasized. The aim of the present study is to determine the relationship between middle school students’ use of listening strategies and their listening anxiety. The required permissions were obtained for the study and ethical rules were followed. The study group of the study included 265 middle school students who were randomly selected in the center of Kars. The data were collected with the “Frequency Usage of Listening/Viewing Strategies Scale” and the “Listening Anxiety Scale for Middle School Students”. According to the results obtained, there were significant differences in terms of sex and age variables. It was determined that difference was in favor of female students. Furthermore, significantly positive relationships were found between the listening anxiety scale and the dimensions of the usage frequency scale of listening/viewing strategies. According to these relations, the use of listening/viewing strategies decreases as anxiety increases.


Listening anxiety, Frequency of listening/viewing, Strategy, Middle school

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.10n.3p.49


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