Relationship between Sports Education Students’ Team Loyalty and Sports Organization Consumption

İsmail Polatcan


This research aims to analyze how students who acquire sports education feel about their teams and how they consume sports organizations in terms of many aspects. The Sports Organizations Consumption Scale (SOTS), which has 25 questions and 5 factors, and the Team Loyalty Scale, which has 10 items and 2 factors, were used as evaluation tools. Using the SPSS 25.0 package program, parametric analyses were performed on the acquired data. Then, a “Pearson correlation analysis was used to establish the level and direction of the association between the dependent variables. The students’ team loyalty levels and their consumption of sports organizations have been found to have a positive and moderate level relationship (r= 0.44; p<.000). In terms of gender, class, and being a national athlete, there was a significant difference in the perspectives of students who had athletic training (p<0.05).


Sports, Sports organization, Consumption, Team loyalty, University students

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