The Relationship between Listening Motivation and Frequency of Listening Strategy Use

Onur Dölek


Using a relational screening model, the present study explores the relationship between listening motivation and frequency of listening strategy use. The study includes 224 secondary school students who attended the fifth and eighth-grade levels. The data are collected with the “Listening Motivation Scale” and “Listening Strategies Usage Frequency Scale”. T-test, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and linear regression analyses are used to analyze the data. The findings confirm (a) a moderate positive relationship between listening motivation and the level of listening strategy use and its sub-dimensions, (b) that listening motivation explains 19.4% of the change in the frequency of listening strategy use and significantly predicts the frequency, (c) that listening motivation and frequency of listening strategy use do not differ significantly in terms of “gender” and “grade level” variables, and (d) despite the differences in coefficient values   at the 5th and 8th-grade levels, the relationship between listening motivation and the frequency of listening strategy use is positive and statistically significant at the moderate level. The level of listening motivation should be increased by designing entertaining listening activities and actively involving students in the process. Thus, I can ensure that students use listening strategies more often and make more efforts to understand what they listen.


Listening Motivation, Listening Strategies, Grade Level, Gender

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