Using Voice Training Practices to Improve Stuttering: Example of Guidance and Research Center (RAM)

Melike Çakan Uzunkavak, Gülnihal Gül


It is known that many methods including voice training practices are used in the improvement of stuttering. With the studies carried out for this purpose, it is aimed to relieve the individual from feelings such as lack of self-confidence, anxiety, and embarrassment, as well as to support the education life and literacy experiences of the individual. With this research, it is aimed to get the views of the teachers working in the Guidance and Research Center (RAM) about their ability to use voice training practices in the improvement of stuttering and to determine the level of the studies on this issue in the RAM. The study group of the research consists of 9 teachers determined by typical case sampling. An interview form consisting of 6 open-ended questions and a demographic information form with 4 questions were applied to the study group. Descriptive analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the interviews. In line with the findings obtained from this study, it was determined that the participants declared that the courses they took in undergraduate education for the improvement of speech disorders were not sufficient to use in their professional lives. In addition, it has been determined that the teachers working in these institutions consider the applications made in RAM to improve stuttering insufficiently. They believe that breathing and voice exercises can be used in the improvement of stuttering.


Special education, Stuttering, Voice training practices, RAM

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