Individual Instrument Practice Habits of Musicology Students with Demographic Features and Music Literacy: Example of Kırıkkale

Müslüm Akın Kumtepe


It can be said that, for the training of an instrument, based on the definitions of education that have been made so far, an individual has a process of obtaining behavioral change at the level of playing an instrument. Instrument training is presented with two different purposes as enthusiastic and professional. Individuals who have been given professional instrument training need to be regular, disciplined, and need to gain the habit of instrument playing with patience by using the time correctly. This research was conducted to put forward the relationship between individual instrument practice habits of musicology students and different variables. This is a research that describes due diligence. The population and sample of this research consist of the students taking instrument lessons at Music Department and Music Science Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Kırıkkale. In the study, in which the “Individual instrument playing habits” of musicology students were examined in a versatile manner with the descriptive scanning method, remarkable differences have been reached according to the demographic characteristics of the participants. According to the research findings, it was seen that participants showed a very high level of competence in terms of preparation for the study, and their desire to value and interest in the study was at a high level. Alongside this, it has been observed that there are issues in the habits of using the time correctly in studies on individual instrument lessons of musicology students.


instrument training, Kırıkkale, music literacy, musicology, practice habits

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