Supporting the Needs of Children through Arts and Culture: An Interview with Anabel Negrín (Librarian of El Parnaso, Uruguay Services for Children and Teenagers)

Patrick Lo, Bradley Allard


El Parnaso is an interesting cultural center in the small city of Young, which is located a bit north of Trinidad, Uruguay. This center is a non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the information needs of its population, and it contains a children’s library and a music library. El Parnaso hosts a wide variety of activities for children and young people, including music, origami, and even Greek language. Anabel Negrín is the librarian of El Parnaso, and she is responsible for managing the library’s resources and offers information services to users who visit. A native Youngenese, Negrín has returned to her birthplace after working in various academic libraries in Uruguay. In this interview, she introduces her library, gives an overview of various education issues in Uruguay, and provides interesting stories about her experience at El Parnaso.


Anabel Negrín, Interview

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International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies  

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