Role of English Language as a Literacy Tool in Shaping the Perception of Women’s Empowerment

Lydia D, Vighnarajah S


Over the centuries, the notion of women’s empowerment has created an immense effect on both women and men. This research aims to study the influence of the English language in shaping the concept of women’s empowerment amongst undergraduate students in a private university in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are to identify male and female undergraduates’ perception towards women’s empowerment and to investigate the correlation between the role of the English language and the undergraduates’ perceptions towards women’s empowerment. This study is based on a correlational research design that includes 570 undergraduates from 6 distinct faculties. T-test and regression analysis were done to test the correlation between the variables and their significance. The findings of this study established that there is a significant difference between male and female students’ perceptions that indicates that female and male participants have varying perceptions towards women’s empowerment. With the English language playing a significant role in shaping the perception of women’s empowerment, the female participants were self-aware of how engagement in the English language can enhance the extent of their empowerment. Projection of the findings also addressed the growing importance of literacy as a mediator in the relationship between the English language and women’s empowerment.


Women’s Empowerment, English Language, Gender Perception, Linguistic Relativity, Regression Analysis

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