Children’s Meeting with Classics in the “Eternity Library”: An Example of Intertextual Reading

Melda Oryaşın


In this study, children’s meeting with the classics through Mavisel Yener’s work named “Eternity Library” will be exemplified by discussing intertextual relations. The study is qualitative and descriptive. By using intensive sampling, which is one of the purposeful sampling types, the aforementioned children’s book was chosen because it refers to the classics in a diverse, rich and intense manner in the context of intertextuality. The data were collected through document analysis and analyzed with descriptive analysis. In order to ensure its validity and reliability, the features of the determined classification were clearly drawn, the appropriateness of the classifications and quotations was paid attention to, the determined quotations were analyzed and revised at different times, and the final form was given. In the analyzed book, inter-author, inter-work, inter-genre, explicit and implicit references were found in the context of intertextuality, and it was determined that these references were mostly structured through the classics. It was concluded that the work examined in the study directed children to the classics with its rich intertextual references. It can be said that the work examined is a good example in terms of both breaking the negative view of the classics and effectively adding these works to the reading process of children.


Children’s Literature, Classics, Intertextuality, Reading Education, Eternity Library

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