Major Problems in Street Life of People at ‘Risk’, the Case of Selected Areas of Harari Region, Ethiopia

Endris Seid Kassaw


The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of major problems in street life of people at ‘risk’, the case of Harari Region, Ethiopia. Participants’ sex, age and level of education were taken to be variables of the study. The researcher used descriptive survey method to study the problem. Study participants were selected using snowball and purposive sampling methods, and data were also collected by using questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, observation and document review. Data collected through questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics; and data collected through interview, focus group discussion, observation and document review were analyzed qualitatively using narration. The study revealed that the prevalence of major problems in the study area were identified as migration (20.6%), begging (15.3%), drug abuse 11.8%), commercial sex work (11%) sexual abuse/harassment (10.4%), human trafficking (10.2%), conflict and aggression (9.2%) and traditional harmful practices (8.8%). Although there were differences in some specific problems, generally, more females than males, as well as more children than youths were faced with problems in street life of people at ‘risk’. Furthermore, more participants having elementary educational background than high school were also faced with problems. Study population, their families, community at large and other concerned bodies are recommended to get trainings and support in areas of conflict management, family education, community based empowerment, vocational education, advancing employment and job opportunity, rehabilitation, community health care initiatives, business education, entrepreneurship and recreational entertainment, psycho social support, and income generation initiatives.


Prevalence, Problems, Street Life, Peoples at ‘risk’

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