The Use of Computer Programs and Applications by Undergraduates and its Relations to their Motivation toward E-learning and Academic Performance

Nahil Mohammad Al-Jaberi


This study aims to investigate the level of use of computer software and applications, and how it affects motivation toward e-learning as well as academic performance and achievement. The researcher selected a study sample of 500 male and female undergraduates at Petra University. Furthermore, two scales were implemented for the purpose of this research; the first investigated the level of use and integration of programs and applications, and the other investigated how motivated learners were toward e-learning with the use of such applications and programs. The study identified applications most commonly used by undergraduates, with social media networks, E-mails, and smart phones in the lead. Moreover, findings indicated a positive correlation between the level of applications and computer programs use and motivation toward e-learning. However, no correlation was found between the level of implementation and motivation toward e-learning; likewise, academic achievement and faculty were not effective in differentiating motivation levels. However, the variables of academic level and sex were statistically significant in favor of male and older students in their motivation toward e-learning.


Computer Programs, Motivation, Computer Application, e-Learning

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