Management Strategies of Perceived Challenges and Problems of Old People in Ihitte-Uboma Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria
It has been revealed that over the years, the number of the aged in the world has been on a steady increase. This rising number has great implications for government, researchers, families, youth and the society at large. There is therefore, the proper need for the understanding of the nature problems and challenges as well as the management strategies the aged adopt at this stage of life. The issue of old and preparation for it has been a case of global concern because of the problems associated with it. Unfortunately not much concern has been shown in Nigeria with regard to the problems and challenges of old people. The primary aim of this study therefore was to examine the management strategies of perceived challenges and problems of the old people (the aged) in Ihitte-Uboma Local Government Area of Imo State. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. Two hundred and twenty (220) old people were selected through simple random sampling for the study. Self-constructed questionnaire entitled “management strategies of perceived challenges and problems of old people” was used to collect data. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Mean and t-test analyses were used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that the major identified challenges and problems of the aged include isolation and loneliness, visual impairment, arthritics, dental issues, lack of finance, wrinkles, death of spouse, boredom and decrease in physical strength, while management of the challenges include some counselling tips like resorting to prayers, reliance on children, relations and family members. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government should create a special welfare package of ten thousand naira allowance for the aged monthly while non-governmental organizations should embark on enlightenment programmes to educate the aged on their aging process. The aged themselves should be encouraged to engage in regular body exercises to keep their mind and brain alert.
Keywords: Management strategies, perceived challenges and problems, old people and Ihitte-Uboma
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