Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Versus Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); A Review of Literature

Muhammad Natsir, Dedi Sanjaya


Methodology is one of the important elements to implement he objective of education in teaching learning process particularly in English classes. To give the information about two phenomenal methods namely GTM and CLT is the main purpose of this scientific writing since GTM is commonly used previously and CLT is very famous nowadays. In so doing, the strength of this paper is to improve the knowledge of educational practitioners especially in method of teaching English. The comparison between the two methods is elaborated clearly in terms of the principles. The principles are characteristic of teaching learning process, nature of instruction, handling the students’ feelings and emotions, the role of native language of students, the language skills that are emphasized, and the way of teacher’s response to students’ errors. The more beneficial method nowadays is CLT but GTM also still has some  positive things offer. 

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International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies  

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