English Language Teachers’ Ideology of ELT Assessment Literacy
Deep understanding, clear perception and accurate use of assessment methodology play an integral role in the success of a language program. Use of various assessment techniques to evaluate and improve the performance of learners has been the focal point of interest in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). Equally researchers are interested in evaluating teachers’ awareness and improved performance in relation to the learners’ performance. The current study was designed to investigate the teachers’ awareness level and way of practicing the assessment tools for the better learning of the students in the English Language Institute (ELI), King Abdulaziz University. The research was based on the perceptions and feedback of 30 female language instructors from 5 different nationalities with varying qualifications and ELT experience working at ELI. Quantitative method was followed. A questionnaire was developed by the researcher was administered to the instructors. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that all the participants had a clear knowledge about the use of assessment tools. It was also found that the teachers’ perceptions about assessment tools are least affected by their span of teaching experience. Another noteworthy finding was the poor practicing techniques of the instructors who were well aware of the assessment techniques.
Keywords: KAU – ELI, Language Assessment Literacy (LAL), Assessment Literacy Program (ALP)
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