Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT Textbooks: The Case of Iranian High Schools

Parviz Ghasedi, Aliye Azizi


The major aim of the current study was investigating the extent to which the content of ELT textbooks used in Iranian high schools boosts language learners’ intercultural communicative competence. To this end, an in depth content analysis of Vision 1, Vision 2, and Vision 3 were done based on Hillard’s (2014) model in four phases. The results of statistical analysis indicated that the cultural topics covered in Vision Series were limited. Besides, most of the aural or written sentences and pictures were culture free. The textbooks contained no multicultural comparison and the authors used mono-perspective style in writing the texts, activities, dialogues, and exercises. Moreover, the series presented no information regarding historical backgrounds of the target culture. The findings of the study can be of great help for material developers and textbook writers. Also, the results make teachers and learners aware of the cultural content of the textbook.


Intercultural competence, Textbook, Vision Series

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