Ramping the Future of Translation Studies through Technology-based Translation

Osama Mudawe Nurain Mudawe


Technology has remarkably increased the stipulation for global communication in cross-different cultural settings and diverse linguistics environment. People have experienced tremendous challenges associated with language barriers and constraints. Translation into different languages across the globe has become a necessity to keep these frequent contacts with every corner and maintain mutual understanding among people regardless of the language they speak and the cultural values they keep. The study is an attempt to explore the potentials of Technology-based Translation represented in the three main streams like Machine Translation (MT), Computer-Aided translation (CAT), and Translation Management System (TMS). The potentials of all these distinct genres of Technology-Based Translation are demonstrated through theoretical perspectives and practical framework. Moreover, the ways of accessing and working with these three application interfaces are also precisely explored. The study also focuses on the comparison between Google Translate, as one of the most frequently used types of MT, and human translators in terms of translating an Arabic text into English. In addition, Grammarly, as one of the most popular editing so software, is used as scale-based software to measure the quality of two translated versions associated with Clarity, fluency, and fidelity. The study consolidates the role of technology-based translation as a vibrant driving force in shaping the future of the translation industry worldwide. In spite of these issues, the quality of TMS, MT, and CAT tools remain a complex issue that needs to be investigated in numerous practical researches and studies to determine and identify whether or not the outcomes would be accepted by global translation standards.


Technology-Based Translation, Machine Translation (MT), Computer-Aided Translation (CAT), Translation Management System (TMS)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.7n.3p.74


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