The Profile of Acehnese Variation: Sociolinguistic Analysis

Denni Iskandar, Mhd. Pujiono, Iskandar Abdul Samad


This descriptive study identifies the variation of Acehnese in sociolinguistic reviews by identifying the variations in terms of language spoken, usage, formality as well as a mean of communication. To understand the Acehnese variations in sociolinguistic reviews, a series of techniques were applied such as understanding the language spoken, reading the text, and speaking to the speaker of Acehnese. The results indicate that there are seven variations of the language in the perspective of speakers and six variations were identified in the Acehnese language, i.e. idiolect, dialect, sociolect, acrolect, basilect, and slang. While the crolect variation was not identified. In the perspective of language use, there are four variations with three identified; the variety of literature, journalism (non-productive), and a variety of scientific (non-productive). While the military variety is not identified. In the perspective of language formality, there are five variations i.e. frozen (non- productive) variety, official (unproductive) variety, consultative variety, casual variety, and familiar variety are all identified. In the perspective of means of communication, there are two variations, namely wide variety of oral and writing are both identified. The existence of identified and unidentified variations of language indicates that the language of Aceh has been abandoned by speakers.


Language Variation, The Acehnese, Sociolinguistics

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