Gender Inequality In Samia Shariff’s Autobiography Le Voile De La Peur

Subur Ismail, - Emzir, Yumna Rasyid


This paper is the result of the study of an autobiography entitled “Le Voile de la Peur” by Samia Shariff. The study includes a manifestation of gender inequality proposed by Fakih; marginalization, subordination, stereotype, violence, and double burdens (workload). Data collecting and analyzing processes were conducted by a qualitative content analysis using an inductive model designed by Philipp Mayring. From the data analysis, the study found the manifestation in the form of subordination, stereotype and violence. Radical feminism and patriarchy theories are used as a theoretical framework to find and reveal how the gender inequality is realized in Algerian family and society.


Autobiography, Gender Inequality, Patriarchy, Radical Feminism

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