The Relationship between Personality Types and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies of Language Learners
This study investigates the relationship between personality traits, as measured by the NEO Five Factor Inventory, and different learning strategies, measured by the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), that foreign language student may employ to help them learn the language. A sample of 231 undergraduate students of English in Iran was administered the Inventory and the MSLQ. This study is the first to connect learners’ personality traits with general learning strategies, which can be specifically applied to foreign language learning. Analyzing the data using multiple regressions, the authors found that personality type was able to predict the tendency to use different learning strategies. Specifically, students who scored high on “conscientiousness” were more likely to use all strategies, particularly managing time and study environment. Students high on extraversion were more likely to use peer learning and help seeking strategies. The authors conclude that language teachers could benefit from assessing their students’ personalities and matching strategies to their students’ tendencies.
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