Evaluation of Two Popular EFL Coursebooks
This study investigates two EFL coursebooks commonly taught in Iran, namely Topnotch and Total English. Thirty three teachers with minimum one year experience of teaching the two books evaluated them using a checklist of the evaluation of EFL coursebooks. Analysis of the obtained data by t-test showed that the difference between the two coursebooks was statistically significant in some criteria. Teachers were more satisfied with Topnotch than Total English in the criteria such as language components, tasks, activities, exercises, and critical discourse analysis features. On the other hand, they were more satisfied with Total English than the other coursebook in a criterion considered as general considerations. The difference between the two coursebooks was not significant in some criteria including structures, skills, and teacher’s manual. Findings of the study can be beneficial for the authors of the two coursebooks, EFL teachers, curriculum and material developers, administrators of language institutes, and also students interested in learning EFL.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.2n.6p.194
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