Resistance, a Facet of Post-colonialism in Women Characters of Khaled Hosseini’s a Thousand Splendid Suns
This article looks at female level of resistance though the viewpoint of post-colonialism and feminism based on Khaled Hosseini’s novel, Thousand Splendid Suns. The article concentrates on levels of resistance as a part of Afghan female's lifestyle against the gender oppression that are enforced on them through their lifestyle and culture, the objectives of their community and its standards. The novel is selected for the discussion of this problem as it shows the conflicts experienced by Afghan females in regards to their positions and roles in their community and to find a unique identification as an individual. Findings on the conflicts of females and the level of resistance factors are seen in the novel though the analysis of the two primary characters in the novel Maryam and Laila, as the reflection of the truth of Afghan female's lifestyle. The framework for the article is designed by using Stephen Selmon’s, Edward Said’s and Benita Parry’s theories of level of resistance in the perspective of post-colonial and feminist literary discussion. This paper shows the observations created in regards to beliefs, gender discrimination and level of resistance within the area of Afghan female's lifestyle.
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